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Dr. Sarah Williams
Jul 23, 20243 min read
DiverticulOSIS vs DiverticulITIS
Dr. Sarah Williams In the United States, diverticulosis affects over 60% of people by age 60, with approximately 15-25% of those...
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Dr. Natalie Scheeler
Jul 16, 20244 min read
Stool tests: are they worth the hype?
By: Dr. Natalie Scheeler Did you know that each teaspoon of stool contains around 100 billion microbes (1)? That’s right. Your stool is...
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Dr. Sarah Williams
Jun 11, 20245 min read
IBS-D: Post-infectious IBS, causes and treatment options
Dr. Mary Pardee and Dr. Sarah Williams discuss IBD-D and the gut brain interaction
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Dr. Sarah Williams
May 7, 20244 min read
IBS: Disorder of the gut-brain interaction
Dr. Sarah Williams and Dr. Mary Pardee discuss Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and its relationship with the gut brain reactions.
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Dr. Natalie Scheeler
Dec 8, 20238 min read
Debunking Probiotics: Understanding How They Work, Common Myths, and How to Choose the Right One
Demystifying probiotics: Understand the myths, truths, and benefits for optimal gut health and overall wellness.
1,476 views5 comments

Dr. Mary Pardee
Jul 28, 20233 min read
Optimizing gut health: inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes, risk factors, treatments and more
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. It includes ulcerative colitis,
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Dr. Mary Pardee
Jul 6, 20232 min read
Bloating: causes, testing and natural treatments
Discover the causes, symptoms, and effective solutions for bloating in our comprehensive blog post.
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